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We all are aware of the issue of Covid 19 in USA and other countries. The virus has emerged as pandemic globally and many claims have already been made to cure and control corona virus. One of the most prominent one is the relation of Vitamin C and Corona Virus. Some studies may or may not support this relation, but an article published in Chinese general of infection disease support that Shanghai Medical Association have endorsed the use of relatively high dose of vitamin C for corona virus. It has been used as treatment for Covid 19 patients in china.

In fact, the high doses of vitamin C through IV Therapy may aid people that are admitted to ICUs (Intensive Care Units). The process has drastically reduced ICU stay of patients by 8%. Moreover, 18% of cases shortened the mechanical ventilator duration by the dosage of vitamin C. the Chinese researchers have also registered the clinical study about the effectiveness of IV vitamin c in hospitalized patients with Covid 19. Although, due to lack of evidence the Vitamin C dosage is still not the crucial part of the treatment plan. Besides, studies suggest that it may improve lung function that may help keep patients away of mechanical ventilation or life support.

Some studies have witnessed the worsened case of diarrhea through oral doses of the vitamin. Henceforth, the entire claims are under observation that whether vitamin C is effective for the patients or not, if yes, then what should be the way of ingestion (oral or IV). Different health organizations and researchers have different views about the same. We believe that every patient has unique immune capabilities; so, they react to the same treatment pan in a different way.

Although, it is proven fact that vitamin C does not restrain cold or cough but it immunes the respiratory system enough to fight against it. In the same way, it may not help the patient to recover from Covid 19 but it can help them to boost the immunity against corona virus. Studies are still going on globally to find the right medicine and element that can cure patients suffering from this disastrous disease. Meanwhile, what rest of the world can take care of is

  • Vitamin C enriched diet to boost up the immune system
  • Maintain social distancing
  • Healthy food habits
  • Improvised personal hygiene
  • Use of hand sanitizer, mask and gloves (when in public)

There are many studies and researches going on. We must be patient and calm till any outcome. Until then hat all we can do is “Fight Against the Pandemic Together”.

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