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Most of us, never take Stress incontinence seriously. We assume it more of as a hygiene problem. But when you have stress incontinence, it interferes with your life. You have trouble sleeping. It can make it difficult to exercise, so you have weight gain. You’re up in the night, trying to urinate, so you’re not as rested the next day. It interferes with your focus at work. So it can be a problem that really changes your life.

It’s pretty common. Close to half of the women that are 50 and up, and it’s 1 in 20 of women in their twenties, so it’s a really common problem. It’s worth looking at because all the things that have been tried are useful. Some women are able to help this with Kegels. The surgeries are still an important tool that should be used when necessary. The mid-urethral sling, 90% of people get good results with that, only 10% have problems or have it fail. But the problem is that, with the surgery, there is some risk to the nerves that are involved with sexual response. And of course, diapers are a last resort.

If you heard about O-Shot®, where you use plasma, PRP, to inject it in the right place. We combine the use of our O-Shot® with a laser. So the lasers usually go about the thickness of a business card, not much thicker than that. So it’s not a really deep laser, but it’s enough to cause some changes and improvement in the structure and the health of the tissue, especially when you combine it with our O-Shot®.

So let’s look at what happened. If you look at this picture, in the beginning, at baseline, the people who participated, 62% percent of them were frequently bothered by their incontinence, and 37% were bothered daily. But by the time they finished the study, it was more that shifted quite dramatically, so that you can see that many of them were not bothered at all or occasionally, and only 10% were daily, where it was more like 100% were either daily or frequently in the beginning.

Credit: Above information came from the recent research about stress incontinence from Adelaide, Australia

If you or your loved one needs help with intimate health, then Dr Nhi Le can help improve your hormones, libido, dryness, and ED. Dr Nhi Le is certified and experienced with bioidentical hormones, regenerative medicine, and sexual health. She has performed thousands of procedures, including T pellets, O shot, P shot in Victoria, Texas!