Wellness Research

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Wellness Research
The following is a breakdown of the scientific research from Dr. Neal Rouzier. Click on any of the links below to skip to research on that topic:
General Hormone Replacement Therapy
General Hormone Replacement Therapy:
“Aging is not an unalterable process of decline and loss. Hormones are now responsible for this change in attitude. Therefore, routine medical intervention programs offering long term replacement therapy with one or more hormones to delay the aging process, allowing us to live for a longer period in a relatively intact state are becoming popular.”Biomedicina 2000 Jan; Vol 3( 1):6-7.
“Hormone replacement prevents weight gain. HRT favors weight loss by increasing lipid oxidative, improves insulin response and lowers plasma lipids.” Maturitas 1999 Aug;16 32(3): 147 -53.
“DHEA administration reduces abdominal fat, decreases insulin resistance and protects against metabolic syndrome and diabetes.” JAMA 2004 November; Vol.292(18):2233-2247.
“Low DHEA levels are associated with depression and depressed mood.” J American Gerentology Soc.1999 June;47(6):685-91.
“DHEA is beneficial in treatment of major depression in women.” Am. J Psychiatry 1999 April;156(4):646-649.
“DHEA improves mood and fatigue.” J Psych 2000 Dec;85(12):4650-56.
“DHEA improves well being, sexuality, and cognition”. Endocrinology Research. 2000 Nov;26(4):505
“DHEA improves immune function and decreases mortality.” Critical Care Med. 2001Feb;29(2):380
“This manuscript presents a protocol for hormone replacement therapy with natural estrodial, progesterone, testosterone, DHEA and melatonin. Using the natural sex steroids which occur naturally in humans represents replacement to ensure attainment of pre-menopausal levels and adequacy of therapy. This is inexpensive therapy that gives relief of symptoms, is well tolerated, provides minimal side effects, protects the endometrium, and results in excellent compliance. This replacement of natural hormones is based on sound physiologic principles that have been demonstrated to be the preferred method of hormone replacement.” Infertility and Reproductive Medicine Clinics of North America; 1995 October; Vol. 6 (4):653-675.
“Fear of breast cancer is the strongest factor limiting postmenopausal hormone use. The most powerful study to date definitively demonstrated that estrogen does not cause an increased risk for cancer. The increased risk was associated only with taking the progestin (Provera®) and not estrogen.” JAMA 2004;291(24): 2947-2958.
“Loss of hormones at menopause results in significant genital atrophy, vaginal dryness, introital stenosis, and painful intercourse.” Family Practice News 2005 March;58-59
“Estrogen deficiency greatly increases mortality from cardiovascular disease and osteoporosis. Over 90% of women will die from cardiovascular disease which estrogen can prevent”. Over 40 years of study have well documented the cardiovascular protective effects of estrogen”. Obstet Gynecol 1996 Jan;87(1):6-12
“The potential lethal consequences of osteoporosis are overwhelming. Estrogen is protective but only when certain serum levels are maintained.” Female Patient Oct. 2004; Vol. 29:40-46.
“Multiple medical studies have demonstrated estrogen’s protective effects against Alzheimer’s, memory loss and loss of cognition.
Estrogen decreases colorectal cancer.
Estrogen decreases cataracts and macular degeneration.
Estrogen prevents tooth loss and gingivitis.
Estrogen prevents urogenital atrophy, painful intercourse and stress incontinence.”
Biomedica Jan. 2000; Vol. 3(1):6-9
“We must not forget the dangers of menopause and the deleterious consequences of estrogen deficiency. Estrogen protects bone, heart, brain, blood vessels, urogenital tissue, teeth, and eyes. Observational data from around the world show estrogen has beneficial effects on mortality from all causes”. Consultant 2001July; Vol. 71:1085-1086
”The largest study to date, the Nurses’ Health Study, demonstrated a 100% decrease in heart disease and cancer for estrogen users. It is never too late to initiate estrogen therapy to arrest the progression of osteoporosis and hip fractures.” Female Patient 2004 Oct; Vol 29: 35-41.
”In the final analysis of the estrogen-only arm of the WHI; there was no increased risk of breast cancer or heart disease. There was a 35% decrease in hip fractures, a 35% decrease in diabetes and a 60% decrease in urinary sepsis. This leads to a significant decrease in all causes of mortality. J Gen Internal Medicine 2004;19(7): 791-804
”New findings in 4 recent studies counter the results of WHI and HERS. Estrogen replacement results in a dramatic decrease in cardiovascular disease. There were no coronary artery disease deaths were reported in 6,000 women taking estrogen. The results of the WHI do not apply to younger women.” Family Practice News 2003 June; Vol 33(11):1-2.
”Estrogen reduces the incidence of Alzheimer’s disease by 50%. JAMA 2002; 288:2123-2129.
“Estradiol and progesterone demonstrated no increased risk of breast cancer. Synthetic estrogen (Premarin® ) and synthetic progestins (medroxyprogesterone and noresterone) all dramatically increased the risk of breast cancer. This was a ten-year study of over 100,000 women, the largest and longest study to date comparing natural hormones to synthetic hormones”. Breast Cancer Res Treat 2007;101:125-134
“The WHI trial had major design flaws that led to adverse conclusions about the positive effects of hormone therapy. The study included mostly older women that already had cardiovascular disease. The study utilized only medroxyprogesterone (Provera®) which we know negates any beneficial effect of estrogen, rather than the bioidentical hormone, progesterone.” Multiple other studies with estrogen started early in menopause demonstrate beneficial effects.” Fertility Sterility 2005 Dec;84(6):1589-601
”Because of the design flaws, the WHI trial should be discredited as it used only 2 synthetic hormones that were already known to be harmful. The positive effects of many different hormone methods studied over the last 50 years should not be discounted due to one poorly designed and flawed study (WHI) trial.” Female Patient 2004 Oct; Vol 29:40-46.
“North American Menopausal Society (NAMS) position statement: The WHI results do not apply to the majority of women. The WHI trial does not negate 40 years of study demonstrating HRT benefit. Five recent studies demonstrate overwhelming evidence that HRT prevents atherosclerosis.” Family Practice News 2003 Oct;1-2.
”Estrogen lowers cortisol which in turn reduces abdominal fat.” Female Patient, 2001April; 26:18-24.
”Estrogen therapy alters the biology of the inner vessels (of the heart). HRT protects through vasodilation, anti-inflammatory, and anti-proliferative effects. HRT provides significant coronary artery benefits.” N England J Medicine 2000;343(8):572-574.
“The main reason women discontinue HRT is due to side effects. Synthetic progestin’s (Provera®) cause may side effects: breast swelling and tenderness, uterine bleeding, depression and mood disturbance, weight gain, bloating and edema. Natural progesterone has no side effects.” Female Patient 2001 Oct; 19-23.
“Progesterone should be administered to all women, hysterectomy or not.” Infertility and Reproductive Medicine Clinics of North America; 1995 Oct; Vol.6(4):653-673.
“Due to the side effects of synthetic progestin’s, natural progesterone is preferred. Progesterone has proven bio-availability and no side effects making it the preferred hormone for menopause.” American Family Physicians 2000;62: 1339-46.
“Estrogen and progesterone are neuro-protective against cerebral damage. These beneficial effects were blocked by MPA (medroxyprogesterone).” National Academy Science USA; 2003 Sept. 2;100(8):10506-11.
“Natural estrogen and natural progesterone offer substantial clinical benefit over the synthetic hormones and should be the agents of choice for menopause.” Obstetrics Gynecology 1989;73:606.
“The estrogen-only arm of the WHI trial demonstrated no increased risk of breast cancer with estrogen. This study, therefore, demonstrates that the breast cancer increase was due to medroxyprogesterone (Provera®) and not due to estrogen.” Family Practice News 2004 March 15;1-3.
“Progesterone reduces the proliferation of breast cancer cells and induces cellular apoptosis (kills breast cancer cells) Maturitas 2003 Dec;46(1):555-58
“Due to the side effects of synthetic progestin’s, natural progesterone is preferred. Progesterone has proven bioavailability and no side effects making it the preferred hormone for menopause.” American Family Physician 2000; 62:1939-46
“Progesterone raises good HDL cholesterol, whereas MPA (Provera®), lowers good cholesterol. Progesterone increases estrogen beneficial effects whereas MPA reverses estrogen’s benefits. Progesterone has no side effects, whereas MPA has many” Obstetrics Gynecology 1989;73:606-611.
“Progesterone decreases Breast stimulation 400%, and down-regulates breast receptor sites, thereby protecting against breast stimulation.” Fertility Sterility 1998;69:963-69.
“Mammary tumor stimulation was reduced both by progesterone and Tamoxifen, more so by progesterone by Tamoxifen which is the drug of choice to treat cancer.” Japan Journal of Cancer Research 1985June;76:699-04.
“Estrogen protects against neuron-degeneration, changes in mood, cognition, and behavior.” Clinical Genetics 1998 May;6(5):15-19.
“Loss of testosterone causes loss of libido, energy, strength, sexual function, memory, cognition, muscle and bone. Testosterone replacement, as far as quality of life is concerned, is tremendous.” Medical Crossfire 2001Jan;Vol.3 No.1:17-18
“Symptoms of low testosterone may occur due to decreased serum levels or reduced receptor site sensitivity. In spite of normal blood levels patients will still feel and function better when testosterone is prescribed.” Medical Crossfire 2001 Jan;Vol.3 No. 1:17-18.
“Testosterone replacement improves muscle mass and strength, libido, erectile function, bone density, memory, cognition, myocardial function. It is unconscionable for physicians not to treat men with testosterone.” Medical Crossfire 2001Jan;Vol. 3 No.1:47-50.
“Low testosterone levels are associated with an increased risk of diabetes, heart disease, and carotid atherosclerosis.” Diabetes Care 2003 June; Vol. 36, No. 6: 20-30.
“Testosterone levels have nothing to do with causing prostate cancer.” Cancer 1999, July 15;88(2):312-5.
“None of the 12 longitudinal population-based studies, such as the “Physician’s Health Study,” found any increased risk of prostate cancer in men with higher levels compared to men with lower levels of testosterone.” New England Journal of Medicine 2004;350:482-92.
“Low testosterone levels increase cardiovascular disease. High testosterone levels protect against cardiovascular disease.” Diabetes Metab 1995 Vol. 21:156-161.
“Testosterone replacement in women significantly decreases carotid atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease.” American Journal of Epidemiology 2002;155: 437-445
“Administration of testosterone to women eliminates hot flashes, lethargy, depression, incontinence, fibrocystic disease, migraine headaches, and poor libido. Testosterone also improves well-being, sexual desire, frequency and intensity of orgasm.” Consultant; 1999 August: 2006-07.
“Higher testosterone levels increase cognition and memory.” Neurology 2005 Mar. 8; 64-5:866-71.
“Testosterone decreases cholesterol and raises HDL.” Atherosclerosis 1996 Mar;121(1): 35-43.
“Low testosterone levels are associated with higher cardiovascular risk. Testosterone supplementation reduces abdominal fat and improves insulin sensitivity. Testosterone lowers cholesterol also.” Diabetes Metab 2004 Feb;30(1):29-34
“Hormone replacement therapy in postmenopausal women and testosterone replacement in men reduce the degree of central obesity.” Obesity Review 2004 Nov; 5(4): 197-216.
“High doses of synthetic, anabolic steroids cause side effects. No such side effects have been observed using low doses of natural testosterone. Avoidance of supraphysiologic levels prevents any side effects.” Female Patient 2004 Nov; Vol.29: 40-45.
“Testosterone increases bone density in women. Testosterone protects against heart disease in women.” Journal of Reproductive Medicine 1999; 44(12):1012-20
“Low DHT (dihydrotestosterone) predicted a higher rate of cancer. Higher DHT levels were associated with a lower risk of cancer”. Brit.J.Urol 1990 Mar;77(3)443-37.
“Fibromyalgia is frequently seen in hypothyroidism. There is now evidence to support that fibromyalgia may be due to thyroid hormone resistance (cellular hypo-function).” Medical Hypotheses 2003 Aug;21(2):182-89.
“Combined T4 and T3 therapy resulted in improved symptoms, well-being and weight loss in comparison with straight T4 therapy. A decrease in weight resulted from using higher T3 levels.” J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2005 May;90(5):2666-74.
“Long term high doses of thyroid had no adverse effect in causing osteoporosis or fractures” Cortland Forum July 2001:85-90
“TSH is a good test to diagnose hypothyroidism. However, TSH is a poor measure of symptoms of metabolic severity. It is, therefore, the biological effects of thyroid hormone on the peripheral tissue and not the TSH concentration, that reflects the clinical and metabolic effects.” British Medical Journal Feb 2003; Vol. 326:325-326.
“Even exceptionally high doses of thyroid do not cause osteoporosis or fractures.” Normal Metabolic. Research 1995 Nov; 27(11):503-7.
“Even though the TSH is in the normal range, patients continue to have persistent symptoms despite adequate replacement doses. These patients are still symptomatic due to low T3 levels.” BMJ Feb. 2003; Vol 326:295-296.
“Patients that took a combination of T4 and T3 experienced better mood, energy, concentration and memory and improved well-being. Patients on just T4 experienced no change.” New England Journal of Medicine Feb. 1999;340:424-9
“Women with low normal thyroid levels had a 4-fold increase risk of heart disease. This increased risk was equal to the risk of smoking and high cholesterol. Low normal thyroid levels are a strong predictor for heart attacks.” Annals of Internal Medicine 2000; 132: 270-278.
“Low T3 levels are associated with increased heart disease and decreased cardiac function. Replacing T3 increases clinical performance and cardiac output. Adding T3 increases exercise tolerance and quality of life.” CVR & R 2002;23:20-26
“Low levels of free T3 in patients resulted in increased disability, depression, decreased cognition, and energy and increased mortality.” JAMA Dec. 2004; Vol. 292(2c): 500-504.
“Low normal thyroid levels result in increased cholesterol, increased heart disease, fatigue, low energy, depression, and memory loss. Thyroid replacement eliminates thee risks. No study has shown any harm or adverse effect of treatment.” Consultant 2000 Dec: 2397-2399.
“Long term thyroid replacement with high doses has no significant effect on bone density or fractures.” Lancet 1992 Jul 4; 340(8810):9-13.
“Thyroid levels should be raised to the upper normal range for a young person. This results in optimal cognition, memory, cerebral function.” Journal of Gerontology; 1999 Vol. 54:109-115
“Combined thyroid therapy with T4 and high dose T3 resulted in improvement of symptoms and well being, whereas straight T4 did not. Not only did they feel better, but the patients taking both T4 and T3 also lost weight. The straight T4 did not.” Journal of Clinical Endocrine Metabolism 2005 May; 90(5):2666-74
“Over 40 studies prove that thyroid replacement does not lower bone density or cause increased risk of fracture.” Cortland Forum; 2001 July:85-89.
“Decreased T3 levels result in increased cholesterol and heart disease. Treating with T3 improves the lipid profile.” Preventive Cardiol 2001;4:179-182
“Melatonin has been shown to slow the growth of some cancer, prevent some cancer and decreases side-effects of many chemotherapeutic agents.” Medical Hypothesis 1997 June; 49(6):523-35.
(Melatonin has become so popular that there is now a synthetic, chemically altered melatonin made by a pharmaceutical company to treat insomnia.)
“Use of melatonin in elderly patients with insomnia demonstrated improvement in sleep quality. This study is consistent with other studies.” Patient Care 2000 June:34-38.
“In this study patients were successfully weaned from benzodiazepines (valium), with the sleep-regulating hormone melatonin: Melatonin was not associated with adverse effects or tolerance.” Archive of Internal Medicine; 1999 Nov 159: 2456-2460.
“Melatonin possesses strong antioxidant properties with increases in brain glutathione. Melatonin possesses potent anticancer effects, increases and improves immune defenses, inhibits tumor growth factor production.” Journal Pineal Research 1999 Aug; 23(i): 15-19.
“Nighttime administration of melatonin relieves migraine headaches.” Neurology 2004 August; 246-250.